Llama Blue
Blue Cavansite on Stilbite, Poona, India
Gypsum, Pernatty Lagoon, South. Australia
Native Copper coated with Malachite, Mt. Isa, Qld.
Gypsum, Lincoln Park, South. Australia
Gold Crystals, Mt. Kane, P.N.G.
Gypsum, Pernatty Lagoon, South. Australia
Cerussite, Dundas, Tasmania
Wulfenite, Arizona, U.S.A
As we have been collecting for 70 years we have an extraordinary range of specimens, both from Australia and many other countries.
This covers in excess of 750 different mineral species, including a number from type localities. Click here to download a PDF list of our available minerals.
Other collectors are looking for attractive cabinet specimens, and we have many of these, from classic Australian and overseas localities.
Rather than listing all specimens, which would not be possible, we encourage collectors to enquire about items in which they may be interested.
A selection of recent acquisitions:
Pyromorphite Broken Hill
Crystal Gold
Opal Specimens